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2022-10-03 Roadmap Enhancements - Milestones and Remove Horizontal Dependencies
2022-10-03 Roadmap Enhancements - Milestones and Remove Horizontal Dependencies


Chuen Seet avatar
Written by Chuen Seet
Updated over 2 years ago

We have made some significant enhancements to the roadmap feature

1) Remove Horizontal Dependencies

Dependencies are automatically created for initiatives on the same row. Previously, you could not remove a dependency between adjacent initiatives in the same row. Now you can select the horizontal dependency line and delete it, as shown below.

You can learn more about Roadmap initiative dependencies here.

2) Add Milestones

Jibility roadmaps show an initiative as a dot, and the initiative dot describes when the initiative must be delivered. Sometimes, there are events or outcomes (Milestones) which are not initiatives (or work) that must be delivered in your roadmap, but you still need to include these for context. You may even need to show dependencies between your initiatives and the milestones.

We have created the ability to add milestones to your roadmap. Milestones are not initiatives, so they will not appear in the Initiative step. To read more about milestones, please see here.

3) Not Assessed Initiatives now shows chosen colour on the roadmap

Initiatives on the roadmap can be one of three statuses: Not Assessed, Assessed or Priority. This status is determined by whether the initiative was prioritised in the Initiative step (in the 2 x 2 prioritisation feature).

If an initiative was not prioritised, i.e. it was not placed onto the 2 x 2, then it is not assessed. Previously, a not assessed initiative was represented as a dot without colour. Now, the not assessed initiatives shows the user's chosen colour as a thick border.

4) Filter by labels for in Prioritise Initiatives

In the prioritise initiatives step, you can now filter the list of initiatives by labels.

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