Building a Jibility Roadmap

Putting it together to build a Jibility Roadmap

Chuen Seet avatar
Written by Chuen Seet
Updated over a week ago

A reminder, here are the components of a roadmap (please refer to An Overview of a Jibility Roadmap for more information).

Note, a theme can have one or more tracks and a stage can have one or more lines.

Create your themes

To create a theme you can select from a list of pre-defined themes in the search panel or drag/drop a New Theme to create a custom theme row.  

If you already have themes defined, you can choose to append another set of pre-defined themes to your roadmap or replace your themes completely.  Choosing to replace will also remove your initiatives from the roadmap.  You can also insert a custom theme into your existing themes.

You can use the properties panel to the right to change the name of a theme.  Each theme name must be unique.

You can select and move a theme to re-order your list of themes by selecting and dragging it a new position.

To delete a theme, you must first select the theme on your roadmap and then click the delete button (the trash can icon).  

Note, if you delete a theme and there are initiatives on the theme tracks then the initiatives will be removed from your roadmap and made available for selection again,  i.e. you can place the initiative back onto your roadmap manually.

Create your stages

To create a stage you can select from a list of pre-defined stages in the search panel or drag/drop a New Stage to create a custom stage column.

Similar to themes, if you have stages defined, selecting a pre-defined stage will append or replace your existing stages.  

You can select and move a stage to re-order your columns of stages by selecting and dragging it into a new position.

To delete a stage, you must first select the stage and then click the delete button.

Note, deleting a stage will remove all the initiatives in the line.  

Tips: You can use the merge left or merge right function to move a line of initiatives to a stage to the left or right before deleting a stage.  Merge right will remove the currently selected stage and move all its initiatives to the stage on the right.  Merge left will remove the currently selected stage and move all its initiatives to the stage on the left.

Build your tracks and lines with initiatives

You must have at least one theme and one stage before you can place any initiatives on the roadmap.  

Assuming that you have already created and prioritised some initiatives, with some of these initiatives falling within the target zone, then a list of initiatives are listed in the search panel on the left for selection.

Select and drag an initiative into a spot intersected by a theme and stage to build your roadmap.  

Once an initiative is on the roadmap, you can:

  1. Move an initiative to another track or line; therefore, another theme or stage.

  2. Manually create a dependency link between initiatives on two different tracks.  Select and drag an initiative over the top of another initiative on a different track. You can also select the link to remove it.

Deleting initiatives from your roadmap

To delete an initiative from your roadmap, first select the initiative and then click on the delete button (as illustrated below).

Multi-tracked themes and multi-lined stages

A theme can have one or more tracks and a stage can have one or more lines.  Dragging/dropping an initiative onto a highlighted hotspot below or above an existing initiative on a track will add that initiative into the same theme on another track. 

For example, drag/drop initiative "IT Rebranding" below "Cloud Platform Established" to create a new track in the Cloud theme:

The result of a new track in the Cloud theme is as follows:

Similarly, adding a new line for a stage is done by dropping an initiative on a vertical hotspot to the left or right of another initiative, as shown in the diagram below.

This will result in a new line added to the Foundation stage, as shown below.

Note, the initiative status which indicates "Not Assessed", "Assessed" and "Priority" applies for all initiatives on the roadmap (see example below).  Jibility does not prevent the user from placing a "Not Assessed" or "Assessed" but not priority initiative on the roadmap.  The initiative status is a prompt to the user to consider whether the initiative should be on the roadmap.

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