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Understanding the Jibility Steps
Should I start with 4 or 6 Jibility Steps?
Should I start with 4 or 6 Jibility Steps?
Chuen Seet avatar
Written by Chuen Seet
Updated over a week ago

Jibility supports the ability to start a new roadmap using either a 4-Step Objective-based or 6-Step Capability-based method. The following guides which method you should choose.

Start with the simplified 4-Step Objective-based Jibility Step method when

  1. You are not familiar with capability-based planning;

  2. You need to get a roadmap fast, and you already have a list of initiatives in mind;

  3. You don't need a list of actions for each initiative to create your roadmap; and

  4. For now, you don't need to understand which business capabilities need to change.


When using the Jibility 4 Steps, you directly link your initiatives to the objectives, as shown below.

Note, you can add actions to your initiatives in the Initiative step.

Start with the 6-Step Capability-based Jibility Step method when

  1. You understand what a business capability is, and you want to understand what needs to change;

  2. You are willing to spend the time to identify business capability change to derive your list of actions;

  3. You want to stay focused on only the required initiatives for business capability change; and

  4. You want a fully substantiated roadmap that you can defend.

For the Jibility 6 Steps, you identify and link the required capabilities to your objectives. Actions are defined for each capability that requires change, and these actions are grouped into initiatives, as illustrated below.

Note, that the ability to switch your roadmap documents between a 4-Step and 6-Step method is planned for end of 2023.

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