A Professional and Enterprise Plan Feature
Jibility supports the ability to import and add new capabilities to your map from an Excel spreadsheet.
Note; currently, this import feature does not support updating your capability map. It supports adding new capabilities only.
The use cases for this feature are
1) You have an existing capability map from a roadmap document that you want to export and re-import into another roadmap document;
2) You have a library of capabilities in another software product, and you want to import these into your Jibility roadmap; or
3) You have an existing capability map and you want to make bulk changes that are easier to make in Excel and then re-import this into Jibility.
How to import capabilities from Excel?
To import capabilities from Excel, select the Capabilities step and click on the import capabilities button illustrated below.
If an error occurs during import, a pop-up window (as illustrated below) will display the error messages. You can retain a copy of all the error messages by manually selecting the messages in the text box and enter CTRL-C or click the "Copy & Close" button to automatically copy the messages to the clipboard. You can then paste the messages in a notepad or spreadsheet to analyze and address each error.
NOTE: after successfully importing your capabilities you have the opportunity to Undo the import by clicking on the Undo button shown in the bottom left corner (as illustrated below). The Undo button will disappear after 5 seconds.
Import Capability Layout
When importing capabilities, the layout of the newly imported capabilities are as follows
1) All imported capabilities are laid out from left to right and top to bottom, starting from the last row of the existing capability map. The Number column determines the capability order (Understanding the Hierarchical Sequence Number section).
2) If the existing capability map is empty or has less than five capability columns, then the imported capabilities will be added to the capability map row by row to a span of five columns.
In the following example, the existing capability map has one capability. The imported capabilities will start from the second row and fill five columns.
3) If the existing capability map has five or more capability columns, then the imported capabilities will be added to the capability map row by row to a span matching the existing number of columns.
In the following example, the existing capability map has eight columns. The imported capabilities will start from the second row and span eight columns.
TIPS: you can add some dummy capabilities to indicate how many columns to span when importing. Once the import is completed, just delete the dummy capabilities.
Import File Format
The import capability feature is designed to import from an Excel spreadsheet similar to the Excel file created by the export function in the Capability Map publish document feature.
Here is an example of an Excel file for the Insure North sample roadmap.
The following is a description of the expected Excel file format:
1) The import Excel file must have a header on line six.
2) The import Excel file must have at least two header columns: Number and Name.
3) The import Excel file may have a similar structure to the Jibility capability map export file. Here is how the import capabilities feature will treat each column.
Header Column Name | Required? | Imported | Description |
State | No | Yes | This field defines the capability degrees of change state which can have a value of |
Priority | No | No | Not imported |
Number | Yes | Yes | Hierarchical sequence number that determines the layout order and nested capability order. See further details below. |
Name | Yes | Yes | Capability name maximum length of 80 characters and must be unique. |
Description | No | Yes | Capability description to a length of 1000 characters |
Comments | No | Yes | General comments to a maximum length of 1000 characters. |
Objective 1 | No | No | Not imported |
Objective 2 | No | No | Not imported |
Objective 3 | No | No | Not imported |
Understanding the Hierarchical Sequence Number
The Number column in the import Excel file defines the imported capability layout order and the sub-capability structure. The Number column value must have a format of X, X.Y or X.Y.Z, where X, Y, and Z are numbers.
1) X is where X is a number for the level 1 capability;
2) X.Y is where Y is a number for the level 2 capability within X; and
3) X.Y.Z is where Z is a number for the level 3 capability within X.Y
Example 1 - Level 1 Capabilities
The following example is a list of three level 1 capabilities
Number | Name |
1 | A |
2 | B |
3 | C |
Importing the above list would create the following three level 1 capabilities.
Example 2 - Level 1,2 and 3 Capabilities
The following example shows a hierarchy of level 1, level 2 and level 3 capabilities.
Number | Name |
1 | A |
1.1 | B |
1.1.1 | C |
Importing the above list would create the following nested capability.
Import Capability Error Messages
When importing capabilities, you may encounter error messages. Error messages may appear in the a popup window or as a snack bar.
Popup Window Error Messages
The following is a description of each message.
Error Message | Cause |
The description must be at most 1000 characters long. | Description is too long |
The comments must be at most 1000 characters long. | Comment is too long |
The name must be at most 80 characters long. | Capability name is too long |
The name must be at least 1 character long. | Capability name was not given |
The name is already used by an existing capability. | Duplicate capability names are not allowed. There is already a capability of that name on the existing map. |
The name exists more than once in the imported capabilities | Duplicate capability names are not allowed. There are duplicate capabilities in the import file. |
The capability does not have a valid number. | A capability number is missing or not in the correct format. |
The capability's parent does not exist. | The capability number specifies a parent that does not exist. For example, if an import capability number is 1.2.3 and 1.2 does not exist. |
Snack Bar Error Messages
Snack Bar Error messages appear as a line at the bottom of the page as illustrated below.
The following is a description of the error messages
Error Message | Cause |
Could not import your capabilities. Ensure your excel document is valid and try again. | The file cannot be read, for example it may be corrupted or permission issues. |
The document did not contain any capabilities. Please add some and try again. | A header row exists, but the subsequent rows are empty. |
Could not import your capabilities. No entries found in the header row (6) | Row number 6 is empty where there should be capability headings (Name and Number required) |
Could not import your capabilities. The required header "name" was not found in the header row (6). | Header row is not empty but is missing 'name' heading |
Could not import your capabilities. The required header "number" was not found in the header row (6). | Header row is not empty but is missing 'number' heading |
Could not import your capabilities. The required headers "name", "number" were not found in the header row (6). | Header row is not empty but is missing 'name' and 'number' headings |