If you are experiencing a problem with Jibility, please let us know. We are here to help and ensure that you get the maximum value from Jibility.
How to notify us
You can notify us of a problem you are experiencing by emailing us on support@jibility.com or sending us a message from our in-app messaging tool.
To message us using our in-app messaging tool, please click on the following icon in the bottom left corner.
What to send us
Your time is valuable, so we would like to understand the problem that you are experiencing as quickly as possible. To help us diagnose the problem quickly please let us know the following
1) Describe with as much detail as possible the problem that you are experiencing
2) Tell us what you were doing in Jibility leading up to the problem
3) Include a screenshot or a video of the problem or error messages
4) Do you have error messages in your browser console, if so please send us the error messages. See How to check for browser console errors.
5) Which browser and version are you using? Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Keywords: #problem, #crash, #not working