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Cost and Benefits Distribution Along the Boundaries (Professional Plan)
Cost and Benefits Distribution Along the Boundaries (Professional Plan)

Describes what happens when cost or benefits distribution extends beyond the roadmap boundaries

Chuen Seet avatar
Written by Chuen Seet
Updated over 4 years ago

When you move an initiative towards the first or last stages, the defined cost and/or benefits distribution for an initiative may extend beyond the roadmap stages.  In this article we describe what happens.

We will use the following example to describe the various scenarios.  In this example, we have Initiative X with a cost of $1000 and benefits of $2000.  The cost is distributed over 2 stages and the benefits over 4.  

Given that Initiative X is completed in Stage 2, the cost is evenly distributed to Stage 1 and Stage 2 and the benefits is also evenly distributed to Stage 1,2,3 and 4.

Cost and benefits distribution starting earlier than the first stage

An initiative on a Jibility Roadmap, such as Initiative X in Stage 2 as shown above, represents the stage where the initiative is completed.  Therefore the cost for an initiative can be distributed to the current or earlier stages only.  Cost is never distributed to a future stage.  

In the below example, Initiative X is moved to Stage 1 .  The cost is distributed over two stages but Initiative X is on the first stage and there are no stages earlier than Stage 1.  Therefore, the total cost for Initiative X is shown in Stage 1.    Likewise, the benefits are distributed over 4 stages with commencement at the same stage as per cost distribution.  Again, the first two stages of benefits are allocated to Stage 1, while the remain two stages of benefits is allocated evenly over Stage 2 and 3.

Benefits distribution finishing later than the last stage

When Initiative X is moved forward into Stage 4.  The cost distribution is evenly allocated to Stage 3 and 4.  The benefits commences in Stage 3 (as per commencement of cost allocation) but there are only three stages available to distribute benefits over, even though benefits are supposed to be distributed over four stages.  The result is that the total benefits beyond the last stage is fully allocated into Stage 5.

In the next example, Initiative X is moved into the last stage which is Stage 5.  The cost distribution is evenly allocated to Stage 4 and 5.  The benefits distribution extends into the future beyond Stage 5 so the total benefits is allocated into Stage 5 instead.

In the final example below, Initiative X is moved to Stage 2 and the cost distribution is again distributed across two stages, while the benefits distribution is in five stages.  Benefits distribution is not shifted so this starts from Stage 1, therefore two lots of benefits are accumulated into Stage 1.

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