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Action Categories

How to define your own Action categories?

Chuen Seet avatar
Written by Chuen Seet
Updated over 3 years ago

When defining actions required to address the gaps for a capability we like to consider "What are the people gaps?", "What are the process gaps?" and "What are the physical gaps?".  The people, process and physical categories are just some of the possible categories of gaps for consideration.  

In Jibility, you can add new categories such as "Information", "Data", "Security" and "Location".  You can also rename the default people, process and physical categories, such as from "Physical" to "Technology".

Opening action categories

You can manage the list of action categories in the Canvas Properties settings:

  1. Open the Canvas Properties by clicking on the pencil icon in the top right corner.

  2. In the Canvas Properties popup, select the "Action Category" tab.


  1. Renaming an existing action category will also rename the category assigned to all existing actions; and

  2. Deleting an existing action category will reassign all corresponding actions to the "None" category.  A "None" category simply indicates that an action does not have a selected category.

Filtering actions when formulating initiatives

When assigning actions to your initiatives in the Initiatives step, sometimes it is useful to see all the actions related to a selected category.  For example, to show all the actions in the Security category.  This is particularly useful when formulating initiatives specifically related to security.

Below is an example of how category filter is applied.

Changing the default action category icon

When you add a new action category, a default icon is assigned to it. You can change the icon by selecting an alternate icon from a pallet of over 50 icons. Here is an example of how the selected icons can align with the action categories.

To change the action category icon, click on the icon, and this will open a popup for you to select an alternate icon.

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