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2019-02-25 Tagging Initiatives with Labels and Canvas improvements
2019-02-25 Tagging Initiatives with Labels and Canvas improvements
Chuen Seet avatar
Written by Chuen Seet
Updated over 6 years ago

This month we introduce a new concept in Jibility, which is the ability to tag an initiative with a custom defined label.  This is an exciting new feature that we plan to implement for all other steps in Jibility in the near future. 

For now, what's new in Jibility are

  1. Use of Labels to tag and filter your initiatives; and

  2. Canvas Top Capabilities improvements.

Tagging Initiatives with Labels

You can now tag an initiative with a custom defined label.  With a label, you can apply a filter and narrow your list of initiatives to the ones matching your label.  This is particularly useful when you are working with lots of initiatives.

A label can represent anything, but the common uses are for tagging your initiatives with the name of a strategic theme or a functional/department name.

To find out more about using Labels please checkout the following article

Using Labels to tag and filter initiatives

Here is a powerful example of how labels can be used to filter the initiatives shown.  In the following Prioritise 2 x 2 we can see all the initiatives (no filter is applied)

When a filter is applied by selecting the "Products and Automation" label, then only the initiatives tagged with that label is shown.  This reduces the number of initiatives shown which allows you to focus on just these initiatives.

Filtering by labels is available in the Initiative Summary Page and Initiative Summary List publish documents as well.

Canvas Top Capabilities Improvements

The Top 5 Capabilities shown in the Capabilities step on the Canvas is improved to show the Top 5 Capabilities by Priority, Objectives and Change.

You can now quickly identify inconsistencies such as the capabilities with 

  1. Highest priority but not aligned to the highest objectives; or

  2. Highest degree of change but not a priority.

The top capabilities by priority are determined based upon the priority tag applied to each capability (i.e. High, Medium and Low priority).  

The top capability by objectives are determined based upon the linked objective per capability by order of the objective ranking.  e.g. The first objective in the Objective Step will have a higher ranking than the last objective.

The top capability by change are determined based upon the degree of change (New, High, Medium, Low, Not Needed, No Change to Not Relevant) where New is the highest order and Not Relevant is the lowest order. 

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