In the Publish step, you can select from a list of pre-defined documents (we are continuing to add more to the list). When you select a published document, your content is rendered in the preview area. You have the option in the properties panel to select the document size (such as A3 and A4) or the page orientation (landscape or portrait).
For some documents, such as the Capability Map document, there are extra parameters in the properties panel to help you select what you want to show in your document.
Publish a PDF document
Jibility makes use of the browser's Print to PDF feature to create PDF documents. To publish a PDF document, you must select the Print button (as shown below).
This will open the browser's Printer Preview and Preference Setting window.
Make sure the selected destination is "Save as PDF" or whichever PDF printer driver you have installed.
Check that the page orientation and page size in the Chrome browser print properties (More settings) matches your selected Publish Document Properties.
Once you are ready, then click the save button and this will prompt you to select a filename and file location.
Capability Map Document
The Capability Map document allows you to select the capability levels you want to be shown in your document. If you choose Level 1 then only the level 1 capabilities are shown. If you choose Level 2 then both level 1 & 2 capabilities are shown.
Also, the Capability Map document supports larger paper sizes such as A0, A1 and A2. These larger paper sizes are useful when you want to print onto large sheets (usually with a plotter) to hang on the wall.
Prioritized 2 x 2 Document
The Prioritized 2 x 2 document is a one-page document of the 2x2 as shown in the Initiative step.
You can adjust the size of each initiative shown on the 2 x 2 in the document using the zoom in/out in the Initiative step. So, you need to go back to the Initiative step, select Prioritize Initiatives and adjust the zoom in/out to resize the initiative then return back to the Publish step.
Note, you can filter by Labels in the Initiative documents as well.