In Jibility, when working in a 6-Step capability-based roadmap, you can group one or more rows of capabilities and give them a group name. A group can be a grid layout of capabilities (a map) or a Value Stream.
Below is an illustration of a value stream group showing the value stages Marketing to Customer Success with their assigned business capabilities.
Defining your business value streams is a good technique for describing the business capabilities within your organization's context. For more information about Value Streams, please read our blog article "What is a business value stream?". Note that this blog was written before the introduction of the dedicated feature for visualizing value streams described here.
This article describes
Adding a Value Stream Group
To add a new value stream group, hover your mouse over the "+" icon at the top of an existing group. A menu will pop up and you can select the "Value Stream" menu. This will add a new value stream group immediately above the selected group.
Note, select the Value Stream group to edit its properties, including changing the group's name.
Adding Value Stages
Adding a new value stream will automatically include one value stage, which by default is named "<<Stage 1>>".
To add a new value stage, click on the "+" to the left or right of the current value stage. The animation below demonstrates this.
Moving Value Stages
To move a value stage to the left or right, select the value stage and then click on the "<< Left" or ">> Right" buttons as animated below.
Deleting Value Stages
To delete a value stage, select the value stage and click "Delete".
Note: deleting a value stage will also delete all the capabilities assigned to that value stream. An "Undo" message appears in the bottom left corner. You have five seconds to undo the delete.
Assigning Capabilities to Value Stages
To assign a new capability or a library capability to a value stage, drag and drop it into a drop zone highlighted immediately below the stage.
Move your capabilities to compose the capabilities as required. This is demonstrated below.
Value Stream and Value Stage Properties
Each Value Stream has a set of properties that you can define. To change a value stream property, select the value stream by clicking on the group, which will show the properties panel on the left. The group and properties panel are highlighted in red in the example below.
Note: In the properties panel, you can change the colour for each value stream group. The default colour is blue.
Likewise, you can also define the properties for each value stage by clicking on the value stage. A value stage's properties include Name, Description, Entry Criteria, Value Item, Owner and Colour, as shown below.
The Name, Description, Owner and Comments fields are self-explanatory. The Entry Criteria field should describe the conditions or inputs required for the value stage to begin. The Value Stage should describe the tangible or intangible outcomes delivered by the stage.
The "Color" field enables you to change the value stage colour based on the value stream's default colour or a custom-selected colour. If the value stage colour is set to default, changing the value stream group colour will automatically change the value stage colour. If the value stage colour is a custom colour, changing the value stream colour will not change the value stage colour.
Value the Stream Stack Layout
A grid layout has a fixed height per row based on the tallest level one capability in the row and a fixed width. This layout style suits capability maps because all the level-one capabilities are lined neatly in rows. However, this style may not be an efficient use of space if you have a very tall capability in the row. See the example below.
For Value Streams, the capabilities are aligned vertically below each value stage. Therefore, to improve the usage of vertical space, the capabilities are stacked. Using the same capabilities in the grid example above, when assigned to a value stream, the capabilities are stacked closely (see below). The column width is fixed, but the height of each value stage is variable.
Published documents for Value Streams
There are two published documents that will display value streams and value stages: Capability Map and Value Stream Summary.
Capability Map Published Document
When value streams are added to your capability map, each value stream is presented on a separate page in the Capability Map published document.
Value Stream Summary Published Document
The properties of the value stages of a value stream is presented on a page in the Value Stream Summary published document.
Current limitations
Although you can create multiple value streams in your capability map, there are current limitations, which we will address with further enhancements in the future.
1) A unique capability can be assigned to only one value stage and one value stream. ie. You cannot assign the same capability to two different value streams or show that the capability spans multiple value stages. As a workaround, you could create multiple capabilities and number them, for example, Project Management 1 and Project Management 2. Note that we will focus on addressing this limitation as our highest priority.
2) There is only one value stream per group. Two value streams cannot be shown side by side in the same group or row.
3) Only one column of capabilities per value stage.